Selected Editorials from NOW_e-version
₹ 50.00
In StockSelected Editorials from NOW
A Political and Cultural Weekly
Edited by SAMAR SEN
This is compilation of editorials written during the period of January to August 1965 by the celebrated writer and editor Samar Sen for Now, the weekly founded and edited by him.
Selected Editorials from NOW
A Political and Cultural Weekly
Edited by SAMAR SEN
This is compilation of editorials written during the period of January to August 1965 by the celebrated writer and editor Samar Sen for Now, the weekly founded and edited by him.
e-edition, 220 KB
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Krishna in the traditional paintings of BengalThis monograph deals with the history of the pat in various parts of India, the evolution of the pat of Bengal with a special analysis of the Kalighat branch, the patuas, and lastly the history and significance of the Krishna cult in lndia in general and Bengal in particular and the place of this cult in the traditional painting of Bengal. Although the traditional pat of Bengal has had for its subject a host of religious and social themes, the present monograph seeks to introduce the reader to it through illustrations of pats from the author’s personal collection dealing with one particular Hindu deity, namely, Lord Krishna.
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Jadugoda DiaryThe uranium that fuels India’s nuclear weapons and energy programme is mined at Jadugoda in Singhbhum district in the state of Jharkhand. The company that does the mining is Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL). UCIL was established in 1967 and started its operations in 1968 at Jadugoda with uranium ore mining and a processing plant, each of 1,000 metric tonnes per day capacity.
For more than three decades, there have been a large number of news reports in various magazines and newspapers, detailing various health problems suffered by the people of the area. Mostly these have concerned a large number of deformities in children and various kinds of lung problems.
Shyamali Khastgir surveyed the area in year 2000 and brought out this report.
₹ 40.00
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