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PEGASUS Volume on
Reading and Writing Difference: Gender and Literature

The present volume offers a rich variety of critical essays on Gender and Literature written by senior teachers as well as young scholars. These essays give the reader an amazing look into the nuanced negotiation of the multifaceted field that is English Studies in India today through the prism of the critical discourse of Gender.

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PEGASUS Volume on
Reading and Writing Difference: Gender and Literature

Pegasus represents the pulse of English Studies in eastern India through its journal and books. The present volume offers a rich variety of critical essays on Gender and Literature written by senior teachers as well as young scholars. From analyses of Shakespeare, Woolf, Tagore, Toru Dutt, Sylvia Plath, Dalit women’s writings, studies on representations of gender in the Indian media, to stage actresses such as Ellen Terry and Charlotte Cushman, these essays give the reader an amazing look into the nuanced negotiation of the multifaceted field that is English Studies in India today through the prism of the critical discourse of Gender. Edited by Sanjukta Das.

1st edition, 157 pages

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ebook, hardcopy


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