My master Pandit Ravi Shankar
₹ 195.00
My master Pandit Ravi Shankar
Pandit Ravi Shankar’s direct disciple of many decades, Sri Shyamadas Chakrabortty has reminisced in this book the memories of his ‘Guru’. In separate chapters memories of Ustad Allauddin Khan, Annapurna Devi and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan have been added. Rare and diversified dimensions of these musical Greats have been unearthed in this book, probably for the first time. The author was also a part of the entourage of Guruji during the cultural tour of China in 1983. The author depicts elaborate descriptions of that tour here in this book. Rare photographs, which were till date in the author’s possession, have been printed here. Music-lovers will certainly be charmed with the quality of this collectible book.
My master Pandit Ravi Shankar
Pandit Ravi Shankar’s direct disciple of many decades, Sri Shyamadas Chakrabortty has reminisced in this book the memories of his ‘Guru’. In separate chapters memories of Ustad Allauddin Khan, Annapurna Devi and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan have been added. Rare and diversified dimensions of these musical Greats have been unearthed in this book, probably for the first time. The author was also a part of the entourage of Guruji during the cultural tour of China in 1983. The author depicts elaborate descriptions of that tour here in this book. Rare photographs, which were till date in the author’s possession, have been printed here. Music-lovers will certainly be charmed with the quality of this collectible book.
ISBN: 978-93-80542-40-9
140 pages + 16 pages of art plate
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Version | ebook, hardcopy |
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₹ 95.00Version : ebook - hardcopy
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